
  商品編號: 26762
  商品名稱: Digital Tutors Introduction to Maya 2013 動畫軟體操作介紹 英文版
  語系版本: 繁體中文
  運行平台: Windows
  更新日期: 2019-01-02
  光碟片數: 1片
  銷售價格: $200元
Digital Tutors Introduction to Maya 2013 動畫軟體操作介紹 英文版

HoneRiSO Apps 
軟體名稱: Digital Tutors Introduction to Maya 2013 
語系版本: 英文版 
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面雙層 DVD) 
保護種類: 無保護 
破解說明: 無 
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 FLV(Adobe Flash) 影片的作業系統 
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 FLV(Adobe Flash) 影片的作業系統 
軟體類型: 動畫軟體操作介紹 
更新日期: 2012.09.23 
軟體發行: Digital Tutors(P.LATO) 
官方網站: http://www.digitaltutors.com/tutorial/724-Introduction-to-Maya-2013 
中文網站: 無 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 
由 Digital Tutors 教學網站所推出的教學↓ 
Introduction to Maya 2013 
Multiple Authors 
Maya 2013 
12 小時 8 分鐘 
01. Introduction and project overview 
02. Moving the 3D camera in Maya 
03. Maya user interface overview 
04. Creating a Maya project directory 
05. Saving scene files from Maya 
06. Viewport shading and selection modes 
07. Transforming objects and components in Maya 
08. Using the Channel Box and Layer Editor 
09. Overview of the Maya Attribute Editor 
10. Understanding grouping and parenting in Maya 
11. Using the Maya hotbox 
12. Selection masks in Maya 
13. Writing a MEL script in Maya 
14. Creating custom Maya shelves 
15. Modeling section overview 
16. Adding reference images 
17. Lofting the fuselage 
18. Adding thickness to the fuselage 
19. Building the lower structure with polygons 
20. Adding pipes to the lower structure 
21. Creating the canopy trim 
22. Modeling the wing 
23. Detailing the wing 
24. Building the main engine shape 
25. Modeling the fan blades 
26. Building the front and back engine cones 
27. Modeling the thrust ring 
28. Building scoops on the sides 
29. Adding the canopy 
30. Modeling the canopy front 
31. Building the top strut 
32. Modeling the grill 
33. Adding the back of the canopy 
34. Building the fins 
35. Modeling the thrusters 
36. Building the gun 
37. Finishing the airship 
38. Importing geometry into our scene 
39. Materials and texturing overview 
40. Applying and manipulating simple materials 
41. Working with ramps 
42. Using the Ramp Shader 
43. Adding multiple materials to a single object 
44. Working with UVs 
45. Using procedural textures 
46. Combining nodes to drive material attributes 
47. Adding specialized materials 
48. Working with bump maps 
49. Adding file textures 
50. Projecting decals 
51. Using Substance to add detail 
52. Rigging section overview 
53. Cleaning up the scene 
54. Creating control curves 
55. Working with display layers 
56. Modifying an objects pivot 
57. Using selection handles 
58. Creating custom attributes 
59. Using the Connection Editor to drive attributes 
60. Using driven keys to simplify our rigging process 
61. Automating movement with expressions 
62. Adding a speed setting to the expression 
63. Drawing our first joint chain 
64. Looking at Mayas IK Handle Tool 
65. Binding geometry to joints 
66. Making our scene animator-friendly 
67. Animation section overview 
68. Learning to create and modify keyframes on Mayas Time Slider 
69. Managing keyframes with the Graph Editor 
70. Animating an object along a path 
71. Tweaking an objects behavior along a path 
72. Working with Auto Key 
73. Utilizing editable motion trails 
74. Previewing animations in real-time with playblasts 
75. Animating the flight sequence 
76. Animating the fueling line separating from the airship 
77. Adding camera animation 
78. Finalizing the shot 
79. Dynamics section overview 
80. Using pre-built dynamics effects in Maya 
81. Creating particle emitters in Maya 
82. Animating emitter attributes 
83. Changing particle rendering attributes 
84. Using the Particle Cloud material 
85. Adding engine exhaust behind the aircraft 
86. Lighting and rendering section overview 
87. Working with the Maya Render View 
88. Controlling anti-aliasing quality of your renders 
89. Overview of the various light types in Maya 
90. Basic light controls in Maya 
91. Adding shadows to Maya lights 
92. Changing the Render Stats of objects in Maya 
93. Lighting our aircraft scene 
94. Using the Attribute Spread Sheet in Maya 
95. Adding motion blur to your renders 
96. Rendering the final animation from Maya