商品編號: | 26368 | |
商品名稱: | CBT Nuggets Cisco CCNP CVOICE 8.0 642-437 吉他教學 英文版 | |
語系版本: | 繁體中文 | |
運行平台: | Windows | |
特價商品: | 否 | |
更新日期: | 2019-01-02 | |
光碟片數: | 1片 | |
銷售價格: | $200元 | |
熱門標籤: |
HoneRiSO Apps
軟體名稱: CBT Nuggets Cisco CCNP CVOICE 8.0 642-437
語系版本: 英文版
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD)
保護種類: 無保護
破解說明: 無
系統支援: 適用所有支援播放 FLV(Adobe Flash) 檔案的作業系統
硬體需求: 適用所有支援播放 FLV(Adobe Flash) 檔案的作業系統
軟體類型: 網路語音通訊教學
更新日期: 2013.01.07
軟體發行: CBT Nuggets(G.AY)
官方網站: http://www.cbtnuggets.com/it-training-videos/series/cisco-ccnp-voip-cvoice-642-436
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)
由 CBT Nuggets 公司推出的 Cisco CCNP CVOICE 8.0 642-437 網路語音通訊教學
- 主講人是 Jeremy Cioara
- 教學時間約 15 個小時又 0 分
01 - Welcome to CVOICE 8.0 Cisco Certification and Getting Most from this Series
02 - Voice Gateways The Bridge Between Worlds
03 - Voice Gateways Understanding Analog Voice Ports
04 - Voice Gateways Understanding Digital Voice Ports
05 - Voice Gateways Handling Echo Cross Connect Timers and Verification
06 - Voice Gateways Voice CODECs and DSP Resources
07 - VoIP Foundations How Spoken Voice Becomes a Packet
08 - Dial Peers Understanding and Using Dial-Peers
09 - Dial Peers Wildcards and Voice Route Matching
10 - Dial Peers End-to-End Practical Scenario
11 - Dial Peers Overlapping Hunting and Basic Manipulation
12 - Advanced Dial Plans Digit Manipulation and Transformation
13 - Advanced Dial Plans Configuring Applying and Testing Digit Manipulation
14 - Advanced Dial Plans Calling Privileges with Class of Restriction
15 - CME IP Phones VLANs and Communication
16 - CME Base Configuration
17 - CME Ephones and Ephone-DNs Part 1
18 - CME Ephones and Ephone-DNs Part 2
19 - CME SIP Phones Ephone Types Codecs and Verification
20 - Voice Protocols At the Core
21 - Voice Protocols H.323
22 - Voice Protocols SIP
23 - Voice Protocols MGCP
24 - Cisco Unified Border Element The Voice Gateway of Voice Gateways
25 - Quality of Service The Missing Ingredient
26 - Quality of Service CoS ToS DSCP and Trust Boundaries
27 - Quality of Service Queuing with CBWFQ and LLQ
‧光碟內附 Windows 與 Mac 版的 FLV 檔案播放軟體