
  商品編號: 25772
  商品名稱: MacProVideo Logic 304 Logic TNT 3 Reloaded 教學 英文版
  語系版本: 繁體中文
  運行平台: Windows
  更新日期: 2019-01-02
  光碟片數: 1片
  銷售價格: $200元
MacProVideo Logic 304 Logic TNT 3 Reloaded 教學 英文版

HoneRiSO Apps 
軟體名稱: MacProVideo Logic 304 Logic TNT 3 Reloaded 
語系版本: 英文版 
光碟片數: 單片裝(單面 DVD) 
保護種類: 無保護 
破解說明: 無 
系統支援: 適用所有 Windows 與 Mac 作業系統 
硬體需求: PC/Power PC 
軟體類型: 教學 
更新日期: 2011.12.03 
軟體發行: MacProVideo(S.ONiTUS) 
官方網站: http://www.macprovideo.com/tutorial/logic304 
中文網站: 無 
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) 
由 MacProVideo 推出的教學,講師 Steve Horelick,教學時間 319 分鐘, 共分 
76 個章節 
01. Introducing the Pads 
02. Introducing the Processors 
03. Adding Warmth 
04. One Big Synth 
05. Designing a Sound 
06. Finishing the Design 
07. Introducing the FX Bypass 
08. Midi Discovery 
09. Step 1- Creating the Switch 
10. Programming the Transformers 
11. Copying and Connecting Transformer 
12. The Final Connection 
13. FX ByPasser Wrap Up 
14. FX Bypasser Expanded 
15. Sculpture’s Cinematic Textures 
16. Programming The Objects and Modulators 
17. The Material and Morph Pads 
18. The Final Touches 
19. Introducing Visual Metronomes 
20. Creating a Click Track Visual Metronome 
21. Changing Time Signatures 
22. The MIDI Click Object uncovered 
23. Creating a Dual Light Visual Metronome 
24. Creating a multi-light Visual Metronome 
25. Creating a Switch 
26. The Visual Metronome Challenge & wrap-up 
27. What Happens When Recording Audio in Logic 
28. ExportingImporting the Audio with Meta Data 
29. Importing the Audio Files Meta Data 
30. Let Logic Find the Files Tempo 
31. Beat Mapping to Make Tempo Map - Part 1 
32. Beat Mapping to Make Tempo Map - Part 2 
33. Two Unrelated Tracks Playing Nicely Together 
34. Triggering Bus Sends With KBD Notes 
35. All About Macros 
36. Discovering the Fader Data 
37. Turning Note Events into Fader Events 
38. Programming The Main Transformers 
39. Wiring Up The Controls 
40. Using Meta Events 
41. Holiday Intro 
42. Channelizer Intro 
43. Setting Up Midi Channels 
44. Yikes! No Note Offs! 
45. So What’s inside that Macro 
46. Remote Controlling Transformers 
47. Wiring Up the Transformers 
48. Introducing David Earl 
49. Sampler Track Tips 
50. Midi Routing Explained 
51. Playing With Delay Lines 
52. More Midi Routing Cool Stuff 
53. Touch OSC Set Up 
54. Touch OSC Pans and Sends 
55. Touch OSC Channel Strip Final 
56. Touch OSC EQ 
57. Touch OSC Software Inst 
58. Touch OSC Automation 
59. Wireless Midi Intro 
60. Into The Abyss 
61. Tour of Midi Touch 
62. Networking 
63. Shaking Hands 
64. Intro to Mixer Snapshots 
65. Storing MIDI Data in Faders in realtime 
66. Recalling Captured Settings with Bang Faders 
67. Switching Capture Mode On and Off 
68. Capturing Pan, Mute and Send values 
69. Creating an ‘Offline’ Capture Button 
70. Adding Multiple Memory Banks (Scenes) 
71. Designing the Interface & Packing Macros 
72. Bonus - Total Recall MIDI Controller Snapshot Fun! 
73. Intro to Note Gate 
74. What’s a Note Gate 
75. How The Note Gate Works 
76. Note Gates In Action 